Outsourcing of ICT services is a hiving-off and secondary activities of the organization and ensure through a contractual agreement with the supplier, specializing in the given area.

Our service includes:

Together with the customer separates ICT activities in which outsourcing brings financial, technological and organizational advantages not only in the short term, but also the medium, resp. long term.
We place great emphasis on maintaining the key know-how internally in the organization.
We prefer a phased approach to the type of projects where is sevareal stages during the transition to the required state.
We separate operation and support of systems from administration and development of given systems since the activities in given areas have a different character, and thus the type of pricing (a lump sum or depending on the number of intervention).
Finally, in the case of sharing responsibility for a given service between the customer and the service organization we help to define the most accurate matrix of responsibility.


Analysis, solution design, workshop and commenting on the draft, the final detailed documentation.

We also assist in the processes implementation of outsourcing and according to the requirements also selection of suppliers.

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