Company History

Company iT MERiT was founded by former colleagues, who together built the IT department in the company engaged in construction of power plants. Jan Kypta left after 4 years and take the position of CIO in healthcare, Ilona Kubíčková took over his role and the continued improvement of ICT services during the economic boom of the company in the context rebuilding of power plants for ČEZ.

In 2012 we both decided to leave the corporate environment and continue combining know-how through our company IT MERiT.

They dealt mainly with the first external management of ICT projects, training, IT management and IT security.

Currently, the company focuses more on advisory and consulting services, as this is an area where there is the greatest potential for improvement.

The key competencies

ICT Services Management
IT strategy
IT governance
Outsourcing of ICT services
Process Changes in Organizations - Impact on IT
ICT security
Byznys relationship management
Project Management / Project Supervision and Program Management
Project management office
Vendor management
Rent professional capacities

Historie firmy

Firma iT MERiT byla založena bývalými kolegy, kteří společně budovali IT odbor ve společnosti zabývající se výstavbou elektráren. Jan Kypta odešel po 4 letech z pozice CIO do oblasti zdravotnictví, Ilona Kubíčková převzala jeho roli a pokračovala ve zdokonalování ICT služeb v době konjunktury firmy v rámci obnovy zdrojů pro ČEZ.

V roce 2012 se oba rozhodli odejít z korporátního prostředí a pokračovat dál spojením know-how prostřednictvím iT MERiT.

Zabývali se nejprve převážně externím řízením ICT projektů, školením IT managementu a bezpečností v IT.

V současné době se společnost orientujeme více na poradenské a konzultační služby, neboť jde o oblast, kde je největší potřeba pro zlepšení.

Klíčové kompetence

Management ICT služeb
IT strategie
IT governance
Byznys relationship management
Outsourcing ICT služeb
Procesní změny organizace – dopady do IT
Řízení projektů / supervize projektového a programového řízení
Projektová kancelář
Bezpečnost ICT
Vendor management
Pronájem odborných kapacit

Our team


Partner, Senior Consultant

Ilona Kubíčková

Ilona has gained the key experience and skills over years of work in engineering company providing complete deliveries of power plant units. She completed the transformation of the company from a phase of stagnation to the stage of rapid development due to the renewal of power plant sources of ČEZ group.

Ilona took care of internal IT marketing, PR and self-learning systems of organization in the given area, she coordinated and formed procedural background for the newly outsourced operational services of information technology, she worked as a project manager. During the transformation of the company she started to operate as CIO with all the consequences and opportunities that this job brings. Another experience she gained in the recent past as a member of the research team of the agency in the field of IT – Gartner, where she worked with dozens of clients from the banking, automotive, manufacturing and supply industry and the government.

Partner, Senior Consultant

Jan Kypta

Jan has gained experience and skills during 25 years in a broad range of industries and companies. He started as a developer and analyst. Later, he gained experience in IT management as CIO, project manager and finally as a consultant. He Introduced and implemented the outsourcing of ICT services in large companies.
He worked in fields of engineering and manufacturing, trade and services, foreign trade company, manufacturer and marketer of economic SW, automotive, health care and global consumer electronics manufacturer.


Partner, Senior Consultant

Jan Kypta

Jan has gained experience and skills during 25 years in a broad range of industries and companies. He started as a developer and analyst. Later, he gained experience in IT management as CIO, project manager and finally as a consultant. He Introduced and implemented the outsourcing of ICT services in large companies.
He worked in fields of engineering and manufacturing, trade and services, foreign trade company, manufacturer and marketer of economic SW, automotive, health care and global consumer electronics manufacturer.


Our collaborators are senior project managers, programmers and business analysts.


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